Thursday, January 28, 2010


So lately..ok has blown my mind that words mean nothing unless HE inhabits them. Words like glory, blessings, honor, praise, love..these words mean nothing unless the GOD of all creation inhabits their very being.

Our praise, our worship; HE inhabits it or it would simply be vibrations bouncing off of the walls. To "inhabit" in the dictionary means to "live in or occupy." The idea of GOD living in my praise, my worship blows my mind. But at the same time, it makes so much sense. That is yet another aspect of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN here on earth. And that is exciting!

"Our FATHER, who art in Heaven, hallowed be YOUR name. YOUR Kingdom come. YOUR will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

you are part of the beauty

We always talk about GOD making everything so beautiful and that's very true. But today, someone wrote, "you're part of the beauty" and that blew my mind. I needed to be reminded of that. Later on tonight, I saw this video. This is truly an example that HE makes all things and all people truly's worth your time to click on it. I promise! Peace and love over you!